One of the Great Ottoman Turks who lead Turks to further expansion of the Ottoman Empire. Selim is called "Yavuz" ("the Grim"), connoting both respect and fear. Essentially a stern ruler, he nevertheless survives in Ottoman history as a hero. Selim campaigned in eastern Anatolia again in 1515 and resumed the attack on Persia the following year. Selim I (r. 1512–1520) goes down in history as being harsh, demanding and unapologetically cruel.
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Sultan from 1512.
Renato;670. Abderrahman;669. Jawad;668. Juul;668. Selim;662. Ioannis;660 Grim;32. Güney;32. Harvey;32. Ilija;32. Jalel;32. Jary;32. Jensy;32. Jietse;32.
From the province of Trebizond of which he was the governor, he marched to Europe at the head of an army, and appearing at the gates of Hadrianople, demanded to be assigned an European province. Selim I (Ottoman Turkish: سليم اوّل, Modern Turkish: I.Selim), nicknamed Yavuz, "the Stern" or "the Steadfast", but often rendered in English as "the Grim" (October 10, 1465/1466/1470 – September 22, 1520), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1512 to 1520.[1][dead link] His reign is notable for the enormous expansion of the Empire, particularly his conquest between 1516 and Selim the Grim was "Selim I" an Ottoman Sultan of Turkey (1470-1520), nicknamed Yavuz, meaning 'the Grim. One of the Great Ottoman Turks who lead Turks to further expansion of the Ottoman Empire.
In just eight years Selim I became ‘God’s Shadow on Earth His later nicknames of Selim the Grim and Selim the Resolute suggested this was not a man who would be trifled with.
Guardian Selim Lemouchi & His Enemies. Sentenced. Sentient Horror.
2020-08-14 · Selim I, byname Yavuz (“The Grim”), (born 1470, Amasya, Ottoman Empire [now in Turkey]—died September 22, 1520, Çorlu), Ottoman sultan (1512–20) who extended the empire to Syria, Egypt, Palestine, and the Hejaz and raised the Ottomans to leadership of the Muslim world. Se hela listan på ancient-origins.net
Selim I (Selim the Grim) (sĕlĭm`), 1467–1520, Ottoman sultan (1512–20). He ascended the throne of the Ottoman Empire by forcing the abdication of his father, Beyazid II Beya
Se hela listan på military.wikia.org
Selim I (1470 – 1520), born Selim bin Bayezid and also known as Yavuz Sultân Selim Khan, Hâdim-ül Haramain-ish Sharifain, Selim the Steadfast and Selim the Grim (Turkish: I. Selim), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1512 until his death in 1520.
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29 mins. Investigate the achievements of this most fearsome and pivotal of 2020-08-18 · GOD’S SHADOW Sultan Selim, His Ottoman Empire, and the Making of the Modern World By Alan Mikhail.
Heinrich Elend. Christian Grimm. 1669–1671. Heinrich
949, 4:50:28 h, 12.10.2019 · Kramle, Selim, SWE, 1988, 44, M, 41, M30, 6 1605, 5:23:10 h, 08.10.2016 · Grim, Johan, SWE, 1974, 126, M, 109, M40, 22.
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Selim I, also known as “Selim the Grim,” or “Selim the Resolute” (Yavuz Sultan Selim in Turkish), was an Ottoman sultan who ruled from 1512 to 1520.
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Dear Efrayim Bulka, first of all thanks for your question. Well Selim I - Wikipedia has a short but very effective reign period. What are his role or effects on Ottoman Empire? 1- He has grown the area of its country by 250%. Before his reign the
Selim I, known as Selim the Grim or Selim the Resolute (Turkish: Yavuz Sultan Selim), was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1512 to 1520. Despite lasting only eight years, his reign is notable for the enormous expansion of the Empire. Selim the Grim: the Sultan who conquered the Middle East at that time during his short reign, as well as being victorious at the Battle of Chaldiran!